Datasoft Consulting Big data fond bleu

Author: Jordan

kafka emplacement : /opt/ibm/biginsights/kafka_2.10 sudo wget sudo tar -xvf kafka_2.10- sudo mv kafka_2.10- kafka_2.10 sudo mkdir /opt/ibm/biginsights/kafka_2.10/data sudo mkdir /opt/ibm/biginsights/kafka_2.10/data/kafka-logs sudo chmod 777 -R /opt/ibm/biginsights/kafka_2.10 sudo vi kafka_2.10/config/ #add the following listeners=PLAINTEXT:// advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:// log.dirs=/opt/ibm/biginsights/kafka_2.10/data/kafka-logs Edit the <kafka_home>/ file. KAFKA_GC_LOG_OPTS="-Xverbosegclog:$LOG_DIR/$GC_LOG_FILE_NAME -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" bin/ config/ & bin/ --create --zookeeper VM1-HS2-N1:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 6

Step 1: ñ Download a set of sample data from ñ Download the free files Step 2: ñ Create a folder Flumeingestion Inside /home/biadmin using mkdir command ñ Copy the downloaded files to your Biginsights server into above created folder. Step 3: Now in the next steps, we will